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Automatically create edit pages for database tables.

Maximum functionality, minimum effort.

Easily create 60 pages in an hour! *

How It Works
  1. Create a single wrapper page for edit functionality.
  2. Create a single wrapper page for search functionality.
  3. Embed the calls to seaAdmin into these pages.
  4. Add an anchor tag to a web page for each table you wish to edit.
  5. You're finished!

When the user clicks your anchor tag, a table listing is returned in the search page or, if searchable columns are defined, the searchable parameters are returned so that user can search for data rows.

When a record is selected from the table listing on the search page, an edit page for the selected record is returned, allowing the user to save or delete the record or cancel the operation and return to the search page.

A single search and edit page set services as many edit pages as you need because the content of the page is determined by the table or profile name you pass to the page.

Users can add records by clicking an "Add" button from the listing page. All database interactions are handled transparently.

Once the wrapper pages are set up, the only code you need to write is the html anchor tag that references the table to be edited.

  • Input controls are sensitive to column data types.
  • Foreign keys automatically provide drop down lists of values for selection.
  • Date, Time and DateTime fields present with a date/time picker.
  • Character columns greater than 250 characters in size (varchar, char, text) present as a text area.
  • Native library in Java and a converted IKVM dll for use in C#/Mono environments.
  • Report functionality is provided for simple tabular reports and for multi-result, drill down reports.
  • Works without configuration
  • Provides an extremely rapid way to deliver high quality maintenance pages for reference data tables.
  • Historical view of row level changes can be incorporated into the display by adding a reference to the audit table.
  • Table dependencies may be displayed on the edit page to aid navigation.

To make the most of the tool, data driven configuration will help give your pages a more professional look. The configuration is so easy that in most case your users will be able to configure the pages themselves.

The configuration tables provide:

  • Setting fields as check boxes
  • Custom lists or SQL based drop down combos
  • Specific formatting for a field
  • Audit fields (created by, modified by, etc) automatically appear as read only
  • Setting a field as read only
  • Indicating a column is part of the search parameters on the list page by clicking a check box.
  • Automatic display of the history (audit) table of changes.

* It should be possible to easily create 60 workable, completely functional pages with no configuration in an hour, on the assumption that your database tables already exist. Adding configuration to create custom drop down lists, searchable columns, checkboxes, etc will take longer.


Supported Environments
seaAdmin will has been tested successfully on the following databases:
  • Microsoft Sql Server
  • MySql
  • MariaDB
  • Postgresql
  • Sqlite
  • H2
  • HSqlDB

The library is written in Java so will function seamlessly on any Java development platform. IKVM converted DLLs are available for the JDBC database driver for Microsoft Sql Server and Sqlite for use in .Net and Mono environments.